
Those were the days of trousers, converse, impromptu short trips, food and friends.

How when I look back now, everything seems so old. There in my memory, it lies.
That I have to retrieve it, to realize, I have grown older.
Wiser, I still cannot say.

How merely failed attempts to understand things, but would ignite that smile, that laughter.
Time, I can't be so sure of, if it decided to fly.
But, we surely did.
Back then.
About now?
We are lost in our own self
How growing older has made us tinier
When it comes to things we cherish
How it has become a habit
That we can't smile,
or let out a laughter at failed teaching
How we now have opinions and views
That we have chosen to place,
Ahead of who we were
Who we used to be,
Those little happy girls.


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