Stray thought!

I just don’t hate this place
Not by any chance nor by any means
I don’t hate the people either
They are just another innocent bunch
Naïve ones I say!
Who surrender to everyone, every being
Mistaking evil for good
With a faith, a hope that conjures them up
The great Gurkhas,
Is now, just another piece of story!
Story applauding to our auditory canal
Nonetheless no more existent
Replaced by the cosmetic of every other act!
Act of not a single being
But each one of us!!
Equal on the part of power holders
And those of us who keep them, choose them!
Bogus, is everything!
And who do we blame
Another pass the buck game, is that all?
I don’t deny how sick I am with the system
How pathetic everything makes me feel
This remorse cannot be worsened further
But beneath every disguise, there still remains the hope
That belief that things will turn right
Things will find their way
If not today at least on the days to come by
We will get what we deserve
After having gone through all this pain
I hope that all this time we were being groomed
Groomed to embrace happiness with all our hearts
Keeping our haughtiness, if any, apart!!


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