Life, Doldrums and blahs

 Life, Doldrums and blahs

When awakenings threaten every bit of you
Goosebumps and horripilation out of one’s own hues

Reality would never have been any less of a rival
An abyss, chasm, everything more than trivial

Life ,
Like an endless blossoming of wild mimosa
More the stimuli, more the lifelessness
More of love, more of aghast
More of closeness, more of petrification
To every bit of addition,  
Follows a series of division!

And the cultural shock you have with your own self
Let’s not you survive, tormenting you every now and then!
The cordiality, out of all the suffocation
Urges for nothing but solitariness!
Life is then just another doldrums
Ceaselessly, throwing on you all its tantrums!
Another package of mulberries and Burberry
After the dejection and blahs of February!


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