You: HE or a SHE.
I have a father, and a mother
Oh! Wait, I am being biased here. Let me re-write.
I have a mother, and a father.
What difference does it make, I have them both.
I was not born to only one of them
But to the world's surprise
My mother didn't think she would raise me
Without my father by her side
And me?
I am a 'girl'
A human first
Just a person, before I am a 'he' or a 'she'
And yes, I definitely carry 23 pair of chromosomes
Not just 23 of them, unpaired.
I am different, from what a 'He' my age would be
And of course a 'SHE', as well.
I am different because I am DIFFERENT
And not because I am a girl and not a boy
To the idea that, Men and women are equals
I just don't get a clue of what does that actually mean.
None of us are equals, be it a He or a SHE.
We were born unequal, each one of us.
To begin with,
I might be a bit shorter, and you a bit taller
Should I be lamenting over that?
Or should I be more concerned that
You Judge me
You set my limits,You Judge me
You choose my wardrobe,
You control my words,
You are the In charge even when
You want me to do chores that your hands would get dirty doing.
You are so sure that I am bound to walk
and you FLY!
Irrespective of who YOU are
You a SHE or a HE!
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